Pyrgus armoricanus (Oberthür, 1910)

Rare and local. Reportedly several generations; so far observed from late July to September.

Early/late dates: July 21 - September 25.

Habitat: steppes and meadows.

Remark: This species is very similar to P. alveus (Hübner, [1803]), which was previously reported for our region (see the list of historic and dubious records). However, the identity of our specimens is now confirmed as armoricanus by genitalia investigation. It is quite possible that our alveus records are results of misidentification.

P. armoricanus male P. armoricanus female

VII-26-2007, Kharkov reg., N. Vodolaga distr., Fedorovka; male

VII-26-2007, Kharkov reg., N. Vodolaga distr., Fedorovka; female

P. armoricanus male P. armoricanus male

VII-26-2007, Kharkov reg., N. Vodolaga distr., Fedorovka; male

VII-26-2007, Kharkov reg., N. Vodolaga distr., Fedorovka; male (same specimen as the left one)

P. armoricanus male P. armoricanus male

VIII-30-2010, Kharkov reg., Izyum distr., Mala Komyshuvakha; male

VII-21-2009, Kharkov reg., N. Vodolaga distr., Fedorovka; male



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